Last night I finally had some free time to watch The Big Short. This movie was on my list since a long time. The movie was beyond amazing! It is about few eccentric traders who predicted the US housing bubble earlier and wanted to earn a profit from it. The film is […]
Academy award nominee Tom McCarthy has always been a low- key champion. His first film as writer/ director was in 2003. Tom McCarthy tells the true story about an investigation that would cause crises and break into the world’s most respected institution. In the Oscar nominee film Spotlight McCarthy and […]
“Twelve people have walked on the moon, but only one man has ever, or will ever, walk in the immense void between the World Trade Center towers. Guided by his real-life mentor, Papa Rudy (Ben Kingsley), and aided by an unlikely band of international recruits, Philippe Petit (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and […]
The Best of Me, the ninth Nicholas Sparks-based film, will make you question your loyalty to his books. It made me miss 2004’s “The Notebook” Not every book get the execution that it deserves! Perhaps, the way words connect us to characters isn’t same in movies. Especially when so much […]