The eight Harry Potter book is to be released this summer, the day the play has debuted on the stage. The new Harry Potter and the cursed child will reveal the untold part of the boy wizard’s story including the story of the murder of his parents. The story will be untold 19 years after the Harry potter was last seen in the Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows.
The book will be published by the Little, Brown in the UK, Scholastic in the US, and Hachette in Australia. The release date is important as it is the day after the play opens in London. Also its Harry Potter’s birthday.
According to a synopsis, Harry potter is a father of three – school age children. The synopsis further describe that the darkness comes from unexpected places. The story is about his youngest son who fights hard with the family legacy which he doesn’t accept.
The fans can not just wait to read the play in the book format said David Shelley. Due to the massive demand of the play, the tickets sold out in October. The lucky ones will be able to see the play.
Plans for the rehearsal before the final play are being made in order to make changes before the official opening.
Preview of the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child will begin in May at London Palace Theatre.
It is also heard that there is a plan to mark the 20th anniversary of the seventh novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in 2017 according to Bloomsbury.
Let’s see when we can get our hands on the new books.