A film by Danny Boyle, featuring Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet, Seth Rogen, Sarah Snook, Jeff Daniels, Katherine Waterston, Michael Stulhbarg. Based on the biography by Walter Isaacson. The film received multiple nominations at Oscar 2016. The story revolves around Steve jobs. When Alan Turing was found dead from poisoning and a half-eaten apple by his side. Steve Jobs the re-inventor of computer chose a half eaten apple as the logo.
The film became a public appetite, as Danny Boyle poured in some entertainment in the original biopic of Apple’s co-founder. The film shows the computer engineering as an art and a small encounter with Steve and his daughter Lisa. It gives a very positive message about the people who love their job.
The movie is better than that of 2013 as the ratings tell us, but the new movie is quite similar to the previous one. The first weekend of the movie gave it a huge audience but a steady decrease is seen in the next week, where it made a less profit which is more than 60%.
People knew Steve Jobs and his achievements, after knowing much about him, their expectations from this film were at the top which of course was hard to meet. Not many want to see this side of him. Even the hardcore truth can be tolerated but this movie seemed like the chunks of his life was portrayed in the best interest of his public image. Fans were hoping to see more about his personal life. (maybe in another movie on the subject)
The movie was divided into three parts, in a neat thrilling way. Fassberder’s performance was restricted and supervised carefully which caught the heart and eyes of the viewers. It is actually very difficult to be someone, especially when every human being knows him.
I will rate it 4/5