Online shopping is now so convenient and addictive. Deliveries are faster, but before delivery, locating the desired product must be an essential part, product which addresses all your needs and wants and provide an unlimited accessibility. So, before you go on an online shopping spree, it’s best to know more about the product you’re looking for.
Comparison shopping engines (CSE’s) give e-commerce merchants the opportunity to attract new customers, increase sales, and go head-to-head against the competition. It also gives the consumer a better insight to what are the actual prices, especially in a technology age wherein every other page is selling something.
How does it work:
Comparison shopping engines collect product information, including pricing, from participating retailers and then display that collective information on a single results page in response to a shopper’s search query. In this way, shoppers can compare each retailer’s price, shipping options, and service on a single page and choose the merchant that offers the best overall value.
Comparison shopping engines collect product information, including pricing, from participating retailers and then display that collective information on a single results page in response to a shopper’s search query. In this way, shoppers can compare each retailer’s price, shipping options, and service on a single page and choose the merchant that offers the best overall value.
Looking for something? Search the product you are looking for at user-friendly interface of pakistanstores.com. Get a list of which website is selling it at what price. Dreamy no?
Through Pakistan Stores, you can look for your desired product, discover the up-to-date prices and then eventually the users end up on vendor/shopping websites and make an order of the selected item. Being a user myself, they also provide unbiased results, to help you choose the best products for your shopping needs.
No matter what a shopping website sells, it should provide value, quality, and provide good customer support. The idea behind Pakistan Stores stands on the similar grounds. Not only they aim to facilitate customers but also helping the online shops by generating massive traffic on their websites by redirecting the audience.
It’s like a Pakistani’ version of the Google Shopping!
Get clear and unbiased results through Pakistani Stores, all you need to do is find your desired products. The things that make it so different from the similar sites is the reliability, user- friendly interface and accessibility of thousands of products under one hub.
So I am looking for iPhone 7 so I thought to try it on Pakistanistores search engine. I was surprised by the results! More than 100 options with considerable price difference. This definitely makes my decision making process much easier and reliable.
The best thing about this new venture is that they claim to keep this service for free.. FOREVER.
Oh, and if you are scrolling through the website already, do check out their blog section which has the collection of some trendy blogs characterised into different categories. Altogether, not only it provides an ultimate experience but has some knowledge and suggestions to offer to its customers. Apart from the entertaining article, Pakistani Stores also aim to review different products like they did recently with Xiaomi Mi Mix, a comprehensive review of the mobile. I found out about Samsung bringing back flip phones through it.
Tell us your thoughts about Pakistani Stores in the comments below!