SPOILER ALERT!!!! Subtle style and an impressive presentation is what makes James Bond movies unique. Although I was surprised at the similarity in story with Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation. Let me chalk out few of such things that I noticed:
- In both movies, there’s a secret shadow organization (more like
) which is trying to control the world and no one is aware of their existence. It’s called Syndicate in MI & Spectre in Spectre.
- In both, the previously sanctioned government organization is in the process of being dissolved, which eventually leave the agent (Hunt/Bond) to work independently with no support.
- In the mid, both Hunt/Bond’s team starts secretly supporting them. On top of everything, in both movies the bad organization is keeping
on their activity.
- At one point, even their tech guy (Simon Pegg/Q) sneaks out across the globe pretending to be on vacation but actually helping Hunt/Bond. Guess what? They both get caught in
of the action!
- The secret organization is launching terrorist attacks to promote wars, for their own monetary gain.
Concidence? Is Bond actually looking for inspiration from Mission Impossible? By the way, it doesn’t end here. There are few more copied *cough* coincidences:
- They both have second action scene taking place in Morocco and the path to finding shadow organization leads them both to hidden desert, which has secret data center
- Surprisingly next action scene also take place in London, including a chase through the streets, a face to face meeting with the primary nemesis (a charismatic, older, foreign white man), where eventually he is captured (not killed) by the team.
- Additionally, in both movies, the British government is working directly with the shadow organization.
- There is a large angry, mostly silent henchman chasing the agent through much of the movie (Bone Doctor/Hinx)
I am sorry but I was disappointed. I was expecting to see something more original, fine we are used to bond-cliches but for me story matters more than anything else.
P.S I am expecting to see a new James Bond soon. Daniel Craig, this might be his last movie. What do you think?
I’ll rate it only 3/5