Directed by Tim Miller, Deadpool is an action, comedy, science fiction film about an ordinary person turning into an immortal super hero. Featuring Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool. Morena Baccarian as the copy cat. The writer of the film Rheet Reese, unlike the other superhero movies, gave Deadpool a different story. Though the traditional superhero Vs the crime had to be there otherwise there was no purpose of having a superhero in the film. But, the superhero (Deadpool) is unlike other heroes, he is deadly but yet so funny!
This is a story about a normal human being treated under a rogue experiment, which leaves him with superpowers and disgusting looking face. Ryan Reynold playing the character of the superhero builds himself a costume familiar to somewhat Spiderman to face his enemy who is a threat to his girl.
The funny looking DeadPool is a deadly killer, a precise shooter and a character full of action and fun. The movie is R-rated for strong violence, sexual content and for graphics. Many viewers who have read the Dead Pool movie back in the 90s say that they expected a lot from the film but it didn’t turn out to be even close to it. The superhero character is larger than life but the story couldn’t give him space.
The critics weren’t nice enough to Deadpool. Here are few of them sharing utmost disgust to the movie:
“Reynolds deploys likable Clooneyesque goof in this shriekingly self-aware and very violent super-antihero Marvel vehicle.Peter Bradshaw – The Guardian
A scabrously funny big-screen showcase for the snarkiest of Marvels comic-book creations. Justin Chang – The Variety
The violence may be abundant, but it’s not particularly gratifying, and the repetitive plot mechanics don’t help. Stephanie Zacharek ·Time
Despite crazy criticism, it was liked by us all! Yes we had a great time watching it and laughing over it although don’t think even for a second that this is a superhero movie which your kid can watch because they can’t. It is an Adult movie. Period.